Altered Conduct
Speed through fast-paced challenges using awesome abilities you obtain from a powerful set of dice in Altered Conduct, a high stakes action-adventure video game with numerous possibilities.
Through unprecedented technological innovation, humanity has now developed the Alteration Implants, allowing genetically compatible individuals to wield one fantastic ability such as Telekinesis, Teleportation, and more. You play as Zeta, a genius electrical engineer and a talented compulsive gambler, who has managed to crack the mystery of using multiple powers at will. However, this discovery has not gone unnoticed and has plunged Zeta into a thrilling chase that will provide her with her greatest challenge yet and will ask her to overcome all odds.
Explore the vibrant world of Altered Conduct as you rapidly dash through numerous buzzing streets in a city with the complexity of Manhattan and over forty square kilometers to play in. Use your incredible abilities to evade deadly modified androids set to hunt you down by your pursuers, all the while navigating the busy traffic of a cyberpunk megalopolis.
Altered Conduct was conceived and designed from a place of passion. The whole process started with nothing more than the desire to incorporate mathematics and some of its principles into a fun little game. However, this then grew into a massive endeavour to tackle manipulation of chance and probability in its mechanics. It became a journey of basing a thrilling story on the Riemann-Zeta function. To me personally, Altered Conduct holds the potential to help players believe that no matter how the odds are stacked, they can still come on top of any hurdle and challenge. No matter what hand live gives you, with enough determination, and wits, any challenge can be overcome.
Behind the Conduct
Altered Conduct drove me to create a city the size of Manhattan, giving players over forty square kilometers to play in and explore. It pushed me to work smarter and faster than I ever had, utilising generative and algorithmic techniques in multiple areas of the project. It thought me how to extract buildings and skyscrapers from raw data. It plunged me into the deep end of 3D Modelling, forcing me to learn how to create low-poly models as quickly as possible. Zeta became a superhero with four distinct abilities that work both together and independently of each other, complementing the environment. All in all, I explored numerous new pieces of software and ways of approaching problems, continuously pushing the boundaries of what I thought possible.
Altered Conduct was the most significant project of my time at the University of Southampton, and was awarded with First Class Honours on all assessment parameters. The work was praised by my supervisors as excellent, high-quality, and exciting.
Game Design
Have a look at Altered Conduct’s Game Design Journal to learn more about its original mechanics, concept art, narrative, characters.